Optical Spectroscopy Solutions

We believe that light is the most elegant way to extract information about the world around us and that the spectrometers currently used by researchers to analyse light are simply outdated. Our mission is to build fundamentally powerful scientific instruments that challenge widely adopted spectroscopic tools.

High-resolution Spectrometers

Our compact high-resolution spectrometers allow you to capture a wide spectral range in a single snapshot without the need for moving dispersive elements or alternating between multiple spectrometer systems.

RS10k Spectrometer
450-1030 nm / R~10,000 / CMOS
RS4k Spectrometer
220-850 nm / R~4,000 / CMOS
RS40k Spectrometer
430-950 nm / R~40,000 / sCMOS

The plots below compare the RS4k, RS10k, RS15k, and RS40k spectrometers in resolution, efficiency, and sensitivity. The device efficiency includes all components of the spectrometer but does not account for fibre throughput and coupling loss.

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