Quantum Light Source Spectroscopy

Quantum light source spectroscopy is a rapidly evolving field, driven by the quest to develop practical quantum technologies that can revolutionize computation, communication, and sensing.

Clients: Quandela, University of Queensland, Quix Quantum, and more!

Challenge: Engineered quantum light sources (such as quantum dots) tend to have fluorescence frequencies impacted by their fabrication parameters. The fluorescence must be characterised before these emitters can be integrated into quantum technologies. It is vital to be able to explore ultra-high resolution data across a wide range of wavelengths.

Application: Optical quantum technologies are promising because photons are not electrically charged, making them less susceptible to influence from their environment.

Methodology: Quantum emitters are inherently point sources of light due to their nanoscale. This leads to ideal focusing behaviour that is well suited to single-mode optical fibres. In fact, many such sources are already designed to have their output delivered through fibres. Our Redback Systems spectrometers offer a plug-and-play solution to characterise the fluorescence of quantum sources, and also to monitor the output light in real-time.