Software Downloads and Manuals
User Manuals:
Get the Software in 3 steps
1. Hardware driver (RS10k)
Choose this option for RS10k spectrometers.
The hardware driver needs to be installed on your computer to be able to communicate with the detector. Download the driver and follow the installation wizard.
1. Hardware driver (RS40k)
Choose this option for RS40k spectrometers
The hardware driver needs to be installed on your computer to be able to communicate with the detector. Download the driver and follow the installation wizard.
2. RedSolve Software
The RedSolve software is your interface to control the spectrometer and obtain measurement data. Download the installer and run it on your computer.
3. RedMote Python API (Optional)
The RedMote python package allows you to integrate spectroscopy into automated workflows and remote-controlled experiments. Download the wheel file and install using pip install redbacksystems-X.X.X-py3-none-any.whl
Change Log
Added support for new RS40k product revision and RS4k Spectrometer
Saturation warning fixed for Live View.
Added third digit to exposure field.
RedMote Python API added.
Saturation warning added.
Simulated hardware (when no physical device is connected) now works in live-view.
Dark subtract and flat compensation work in live-view.
Improved interactivity behaviour in live-view.
Improved logging backend for better remote debugging and customer support.